The undervaluation dilemma: Why yoga teachers often sell themselves short
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

The undervaluation dilemma: Why yoga teachers often sell themselves short

Yoga, as we well know, is beyond just a physical practice; it’s a journey of self-discovery, introspection and overall wellbeing. Yoga teachers play a crucial role in guiding individuals through this transformative journey. However, despite their invaluable contributions, many yoga teachers find themselves grappling with a common challenge – undervaluing their worth. In this blog post, we delve into the reasons behind why yoga teachers often undervalue themselves and offer insights into how they can break free from this cycle.

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How Much to Charge for Yoga Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Yoga Teachers
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

How Much to Charge for Yoga Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Yoga Teachers

You’ve worked so hard to get your yoga teacher training certification. You’ve built up a following, got experience, even built up some confidence, and now feels like the perfect time to start teaching your own classes!

It’s so exciting! You’ve got some mats, the space that you’ve found is perfect and you can’t wait… but… oh wait. People are asking how much your classes will be. And you just don’t know where to start…

Does that sound familiar?

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New Year, New You Bo**ocks
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

New Year, New You Bo**ocks

New Year, New You Bo**ocks: Embracing authentic transformation through yoga

As the new year approaches, the familiar twaddle of "New Year, New You" begins to echo across social media, fitness studios, and wellness communities. While the intention behind setting new goals and resolutions is admirable, the idea of a complete overhaul of oneself with the flip of a calendar page may be more detrimental than beneficial. For yoga teachers, we have an opportunity to guide students away from the unrealistic expectations tied to this clichéd phrase and encourage a more mindful, sustainable approach to personal growth.

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Set and Smash Your Yoga Teaching Goals
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

Set and Smash Your Yoga Teaching Goals

Grab a pen and some paper, or download our Set & Smash Your Yoga Teaching Goals workbook.

Setting your goals is thinking big! Visualising, imagining the future, and knowing where you want to go. Because we can go anywhere! (We just can’t go everywhere, all at the same time!)

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The Power of Cultivating Intuition as a Yoga Teacher
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

The Power of Cultivating Intuition as a Yoga Teacher

The Power of Cultivating Intuition as a Yoga Teacher

As a yoga teacher, your role goes beyond guiding students through poses and sequences. You might say that teaching yoga is about creating a transformative experience that goes deeper than physicality… One essential element that can elevate your teaching to new heights is cultivating your intuition as a yoga teacher. In this blog post, we will explore why and how cultivating intuition as a yoga teacher is crucial, especially for those who are new to teaching and eager to make yoga their full-time profession.

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Yoga and happiness: What the science says
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

Yoga and happiness: What the science says

Yoga is more than just a physical exercise; it is a pathway to greater wellbeing, happiness and inner peace. As a yoga teacher, you already understand the transformative power of yoga, and you're dedicated to sharing its benefits with your students. But have you ever wondered how you can use science to help your potential yogis recognise the profound link between yoga and happiness?

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of yoga and happiness from a scientific perspective, equipping you with the knowledge and insights to encourage more people to do yoga, and hopefully, encourage more people to attend your yoga classes. We'll delve into the research that highlights the tangible connections between yoga and a happier, more fulfilling life.

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Yoga Adjustments: What yoga teachers should consider
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

Yoga Adjustments: What yoga teachers should consider

Hold on to your hats, we’re about to dive deep into the world of yoga adjustments. It’s a complicated world; a consensual, intelligent, sensitive yoga adjustment can be an incredibly magical moment. But, an uninvited hands on yoga assist, that’s borne out of an intention to make a particular shape, or to deepen an already challenging sensation, can be harmful. And the first rule of yoga is: non-harm.

So, let’s take a look!

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The yoga teacher’s secret weapon
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

The yoga teacher’s secret weapon

Yoga teachers are no strangers to the demands of guiding students through asanas, maintaining a vibrant practice, and staying inspired. In this pursuit of sharing the benefits of yoga, there's a hidden gem often overlooked – the invaluable role of rest.

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Working Towards Financial Sustainability as a Yoga Teacher
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

Working Towards Financial Sustainability as a Yoga Teacher

A recent survey we conducted among yoga teachers revealed a common struggle. A staggering 25% of respondents, despite teaching between 10 to 20 classes a week, still find themselves needing another job to make ends meet. While yoga provides immense personal and spiritual fulfilment, it's essential to acknowledge that teaching alone may not always guarantee financial stability.

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A Complete Guide to Planning Successful Yoga Workshops
Holly Mcfee Holly Mcfee

A Complete Guide to Planning Successful Yoga Workshops

Yoga workshops offer an incredible opportunity for yoga teachers to dive deeper into specific themes, techniques, or aspects of yoga practice.
This complete guide will walk you through the process of planning and executing successful yoga workshops that leave a lasting impact on your participants.

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